Archive for Top 100 Horror movies

My Favorite 100 (plus) Horror Movies of All Time

Posted in Ramblings of a mad man with tags , , , , on October 30, 2008 by Count Geekula

Okay, a little explaining about these lists. These represent my personal favorite horror movies. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are the best (although some I’d certainly argue are, especially the top 10) but the ones that I get the most enjoyment watching. I know Friday the 13th Part IV is not a better movie than Halloween; I just have a better time watching it. Same thing with Frankenstein meets the Wolf man. I know that FMTWM is not the best of the Universal Horror Classics, but it’s the one I enjoy the most. There are a lot of great movies not on this list for one reason or another, usually it has to do with when I saw them, or maybe I just totally forgot about them and I’ll kick myself (hard and in the nuts) when I realize it.

Another thing I want to mention; I didn’t want this list to have too many sequels, so I limited it to only 3 films from a series. I just figure that if you know I liked Friday the 13 Part IV, then I probably liked Part VI as well.

As you can see, my top 100 is actually broken up in to 2 list; I have a top 80 all time faves, and a top 20 list of more recent flicks (late 90’s-ish and beyond). I made the second list ‘cause I didn’t know where to put the more recent flicks on the all time list just yet. You’ll have to wait until I’ve seen my last horror movie and I’m on my death bed before you get the definitive list. And really, From 30-100 could easily change places.

Please feel free to make comments and post your own (no doubt inferior) list!

One last thing; the top three are basically tied and for my all time favorite. On any given day I could call any of the top three my all time fave.

One more thing: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!

My Top 80 All time Favorite Horror Movies:

  1. Evil Dead
  2. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
  3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
  4. The Wicker Man (1973)
  5. The Thing
  6. Black Christmas (1974)
  7. Psycho
  8. The Fly (1986)
  9. Rosemary’s Baby
  10. Frankenstein meets the Wolf Man
  11. Friday the 13 Part IV: The Final Chapter
  12. Army of Darkness
  13. Creepshow
  14. Zombie
  15. Near Dark
  16. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
  17. The Omen (1976)
  18. Evil Dead II
  19. The Wolf Man (1941)
  20. The Abominable Dr Phibes
  21. A Nightmare on Elm Street III: The Dream Warriors
  22. The Lost Boys
  23. Halloween (1978)
  24. The Birds
  25. The Exorcist
  26. JAWS
  27. The Hills have Eyes (1977)
  28. Dracula (1931)
  29. Phantasm II
  30. Horror of Dracula
  31. The Hitcher
  32. The Fog (1980)
  33. ALIEN
  34. Frankenstein (1931)
  35. The Howling
  36. The Creature from the Black Lagoon
  37. The Omega Man
  38. An American Werewolf in London
  39. House
  40. Day of the Dead (1985)
  41. The Fly (1958)
  42. Halloween IV: the reurn of Michael Myers
  43. Friday the 13th
  44. A Nightmare on Elm Street
  45. I spit on your Grave
  46. Bride of Frankenstein
  47. Silver Bullit
  48. Salem’s Lot
  49. Poltergeist
  50. Cannibal Ferox
  51. Death Dream
  52. My Bloody Valentine
  53. Deranged
  54. Tales from the Crypt
  55. Rabid
  56. The Dead Zone
  57. Carrie
  58. Terror of Frankenstein
  59. Pet Semetary
  60. House of Wax (1953)
  61. Fright Night
  62. Prison (Seldom seen 80’s haunted prison flick, sadly not available on DVD)
  63. Phantasm
  64. Nosferatu (1922)
  65. Misery
  66. Child’s Play
  67. Texas chainsaw Massacre Part II
  68. The Crazies
  69. Night of the Living Dead (1990)
  70. American Psycho
  71. Return of the Living Dead
  72. Plague of the Zombies
  73. Last House on the Left
  74. Pumpkinhead
  75. Phantom of the Opera (1925)
  76. Dolls
  77. Re-Animator
  78. Satanic Rites of Dracula
  79. Hellraiser
  80. The Blob (1988)

My Top 20 soon to be added to my all time Favorite Horror Movies

  1. Shaun of the Dead
  2. Ginger Snaps
  3. Session 9
  4. Sixth Sense
  5. Pan’s Labrynth
  6. SE7EN
  7. Brotherhood of the Wolf
  8. House of 1000 Corpses
  9. Grindhouse
  10. Bubba Ho-Tep
  11. Scream
  12. Dog Soldiers
  13. From Dusk till Dawn
  14. 28 days later
  15. Devil’s Rejects
  16. High Tension
  17. Bubba Ho Tep
  18. The Descent
  19. The Devil’s Backbone
  20. The Blair Witch Project

*Special bonus list enrties: The Ruins, Mulberry Street, and The Strangers. Probably my three fave horror films of the last year or so.

**Extra Special Bonus list: Movies (in no particular order) that either almost made the cut or that I’d forgotten about until just now: Christine, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), Cannibal Apocalypse, The Blob (1988), Cabin Fever, Horror rises from the Tomb, Vault of Terror, House that dripped Blood, House on Haunted Hill, Hostel, SAW, Creepshow II, Ringu, The Frighteners, Dawn of the Dead (2004), Slither, Pieces, Spider Baby and about 100 other flicks that I’ll remember later and hate myself for not including on one of the above lists.